Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Amazon Goodreads Author  11-18-14

People from Michigan ask me the craziest questions this time of year. They want to know when I'm driving up from Sarasota Florida to see my new granddaughter. They are curious as to whether I intend to visit my mother in the memory care unit of a nursing home. I reply that it is a long (1300 miles) drive to Michigan. I counter that I just visited Mom two months ago. I try to reason with these people...my granddaughter is just a month and a half old. She won't remember one way or the other if I visited. My mother is a heckuva lot older than my granddaughter, but she won't remember whether I visited her either! I know Mom is getting great care, because my brother lives a mile away and checks on her about every ten minutes. I know my granddaughter is doing fine...my ex-wife is a grandmother now and probably does perimeter checks around my daughter's house every hour or so. Besides, I just got accepted as an Amazon Goodreads author. Apparently not every writer can become one. I have a profile picture to post. I have a biography to update. I cannot do this while hanging upside down by my seatbelt in a snow-packed ditch. It's not safe to drive during a Polar Vortex. I am appalled that friends and relatives would expect this from me. If they press me further, I text message them the following picture. Back to home page click here. 
I snapped this with my cell
phone camera last Sunday morning.
The tree is in the front yard of my home..

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