President Obama can stop these Mass Shootings if he wants 10-3-15
Another mass shooting. This time at a community college in Oregon. The pundits are starting to call President Obama the Mourner in Chief. How embarrassing. We are looking for leadership, but all we are getting from our "leader" is weepy sympathy.
His advisers should be the best and the brightest. Apparently they are not. Not if a Private Investigator in Sarasota Florida has to solve this problem for him. Not if all he can do is attempt to advert the blame away from himself and towards Congress. All I ask in return is that you forward this post to a couple of people. That will be your way of voting for my solution.
My solution is simple. With our leader's assistance it could begin within days...not after years of negotiation and hand-wringing. We could all keep our guns, but these mass shootings would soon become just an unpleasant memory. With my solution, we would not have to spend a dime in taxpayer money. Everything is already in place.
How did a Detroit-born muscle head devise such an ingenious solution? Actually, Anderson Cooper of CNN got me started right after Sandy Hook. Michael Moore (whom I do not particularly care for) helped it along with his documentary about firearms: Bowling for Columbine. I fleshed it out with some very obvious ideas that a certain presidents staff should have thought of long ago.
Here goes. Please do not kick yourself for not thinking of this. I have certain special insights that you lack.
The U.S. is never going to be lacking in nutjobs. And the 45% of the populace with guns are not going to give them up. And trying to stop them from buying more is only going to piss them off and get whomever suggests they can't kicked out of office. And we have all seen what happens when the ever increasing supply of nutjobs comes across guns from the ever increasing supply of those. We can't stop it. We are too busy deposing dictators so that terrorists can take over their regimes. We don't have any money left over to identify and warehouse the nutjobs. The nutjobs will find guns and they will shoot up anyplace that is labeled as a "weapons free" zone. And arming a bunch of untrained school teachers and college students will help as a deterrent but won't solve the problem very fast.
Here goes: Anderson Cooper and the crew at CNN realized something right after the Sandy Hook school shootings. What was it? Simple. Nutjobs watch television too. Thus at the beginning of their non-stop reporting spree, Anderson announced that they were not going to show the nutjobs photograph or use his name. And for a while they did not. But all of the other TV stations could not wait to do so. And soon
CNN quietly caved and began to show the nutjobs face in a photo that looked like Mom had bred with a special needs extra-terrestrial. CNN attempted to take the high road and were in fact on the right path, but fell victim to the need for ratings and the Almighty advertising dollar. The other stations did not even attempt to take the high road. They showed that god-forsaken pic again and again and blurted out it's name as soon as they knew it. Soon CNN was broadcasting it's name as well. And everybody gave it a title. Instead of calling it what it was--a nutjob...a freak of DNA replication...or the term I prefer....a coward, they used the word "gunman" and "shooter." No, No, No! The word gunman has connotations of a bad ass who lived in the wild west, and fought other gunmen who were at least armed. I also take great issue with the word "man" in the title. None of these freakshows, from Malvo to the latest Oregon piece of sewage, was a man! No man shoots unarmed men, women, and children as they run or fall. Too make matters worse, on occasion I heard newscasters use the term "Mr." in front of coward's surname.
The word shooter does not work for me either. It implies that something or someone needed shooting, (like with a sniper and his target in a war) and that is never the case. The word shooter glamorizes cowards actions, and gives nutjob something to aspire to and to associate himself with as he "prepares."
President Obama has issued 900 executive orders thus far. You don't believe me do you? Click here. I read a great deal of them. It would take 900 posts to address them so I will not. None of the orders I read address these cowards and nutjobs! A total failure of "leadership."
It's time for some executive orders that do. And since the "administrations" cadre of yes men and sycophants are too stupid or gutless to do so, I will hold them by their soft little white bureaucrat hands while I tell them what to do.
Obama controls the FCC. Stop arguing. When it comes right down to it, he does. This week he needs to issue an executive order wherein any TV station, national or local, that show the latest coward's pic or likeness is taken off the air for exactly one month. We all have DVR's...there will be plenty of proof. And of course any and all TV stations that use coward's given name suffer the same consequence. Immediately. The same with all radio stations of course. One month. Off the air. No advertising dollars. They can all appeal if they want to, and the government can use my tax dollars to advertise the proceedings as they take place. I would like to hear their lawyer's "reasons" for publicizing these nutjobs. "For the public good" will simply not fly. I dropped out of law school many moons ago, but I guarantee I can get a favorable decision out of any judge or jury on this matter. How about radio stations, you may ask? Same thing....FCC license, 1 month suspension. Newspapers? A little bit tougher. Fortunately, nutjobs don't read newspapers, but a visit from the FBI (the largest agents they have, please, and if it's in Florida, I am not exactly tiny and would like to tag along) to the editors office to have a chat about "fomenting domestic terrorism" would be a good start. Then give me immunity from prosecution, and I will take care of the rest. Now the money that we are starting to save in cleaning up after a weekly massacre can be spent on the best hackers money can buy. Allow them the unfettered ability to go after any internet site that mentions any previous nutjob by name or by deed. Charge the owners with the same thing---fomenting domestic terrorism. Why does a Sarasota Private Investigator and Law School Dropout have to come up with these solutions? I have some thoughts on that. To be continued... To return to the home page click here.
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