Friday, November 16, 2012

Art Van and his current squeeze 11-16-12

My ol' buddy Art has been photographed A LOT lately. He looks just fine for his age, and I thought the current girlfriend would start to grow on me, but she has not. In fact, I fear that it is quite the opposite. I am startled every time I see is rather like seeing Cameron Diaz without make-up (trust me, you do not want to....)
That's Art on the right, and his latest
chickee on the left. I think something is
nesting in her hair (I can just make out it's tail,) but would not 
want to be the one who disturbs it, lest it bite me.

She is on the far right in this pic,
and I do not think she was ready
for the flash. Her expression is like that of
a catotonic deer caught in the headlights.

Here she is yet again, apparently
trying to force a laugh. This pic obviously
begs the question "Is she moving her
left hand away from the man's pants, or
is she about to grab something of his
and squeeze?" Either way, I suppose much
fun was had by all. Back to home page click here. 

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