Wednesday, September 3, 2014

You killed 14 people with an axe and you want to settle out of court!?!? 9-3-14

Joe Zada is going to court this month. The SEC filed a criminal complaint against him quite some time ago. One of Michigan and Florida's greatest Ponzi scammers ever is not going to be able to talk his way out of this one. In spite of all of his protestations, he is going to do at least 20 years. He shall get out at the ripe old age of 75. Federal Prisons do not allow much time off for good behavior. The figure named in the SEC complaint is actually quite low. The actual figure is 298 million dollars! Many ruined retirements. Dozens of kids without a college fund. Hence the title of this post. I am reminded of the attorney consulting his client in a prison cell. His client was accused of being a mass murdered but was wondering about the possibility of settling the whole matter out of court. Joe will try to do the same. He will promise to make restitution. He will claim everything was just a series of personal loans gone bad. Have a nice stay, Joe. I hope they sentence you soon. Back to home page click here.   

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